*A downloadable copy of the Ruhkala Elementary School PTC Bylaws can be found below.
The name of this organization shall be Ruhkala PTC (which stands for “Ruhkala Parent Teacher Club”, also referred to hereinafter as “PTC” or “Organization”). The purpose of this Organization shall be to support the school for the educational and social needs of the students.
January – executive board meets (as needed), general meeting
February – nominating committee appointed, executive board meets (as needed), general meeting
March – executive board meets (as needed), general meeting
April – additional nominations accepted at general meeting, then closed. Elections take place, executive
board meets (as needed), and general meeting
May – treasurer prepares and shares an updated YTD report (income/expenses) at last general meeting
of the school year
June –executive board meets (as needed)
July – online banking password changed, incoming officers assume duties and records turned over to
new officers (along side current officers as advisors), each incoming officer receives a copy of the
current bylaws; executive board meets (as needed)
August – executive board meets (as needed); treasurer and executive board prepares next school year’s
budget proposal
September – first general meeting of the school year (the Executive Board presents to the membership
a budget of anticipated revenue and expenses for the year), Treasurer prepares and submits budget for
approval of general membership, executive board meets (as needed)
October – executive board meets (as needed), general meeting
November – executive board meets (as needed), general meeting
December – executive board meets (as needed), general meeting
Section 1 – The purpose of the Ruhkala PTC is to aid the students of Ruhkala Elementary School by providing support for educational, enrichment and recreational needs and to promote open communication between the parents, teachers, students and administration. The PTC will raise funds to provide educational supplies, advanced technology in the classrooms, and activities in which funds are not available from the school district; will be developed through committees, projects and fundraisers and will be governed and qualified by the basic policies set forth in this Article.
Section 2 – The Organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian and nonpartisan. It shall not endorse a commercial enterprise nor shall members in their official capacities be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest, or for any purpose other than the regular fundraising work of the Organization.
Section 3 – The Organization shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or distribution of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office. The Organization may sponsor informational meetings pertaining to school-related issues.
Section 4 – The Organization shall not enter into membership with other organizations, but may cooperate with other organizations and agencies active in child welfare, such as conference groups or coordinating councils, provided the representative makes no commitments that bind the group he/she represents.
Section 5 – The quorum of the Executive Board (as set forth in Article III, Section 8 of the Bylaws) shall transact necessary business between scheduled meetings of PTC and such other business as may be referred to it by PTC.
Section 6 – The Executive Board may authorize the payment of routine organizational bills within the limits of the budget adopted by the PTC and may authorize the payment of other bills.
Section 7 – The Executive Board shall create standing or special Committees as are deemed necessary to promote the purpose and to carry out the work of the PTC.
Section 8 – A quorum shall consist of one more than half of existing Executive Board Officers. If more than one person shares the duties of an Office, the presence of only one of those people shall satisfy the requirement of attendance of that Office for the purpose of establishing a quorum.
Section 9 – The Executive Board shall meet at least one a month during the school year, unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board. The President may call special meetings of the Executive Board.
Section 10 – When an officer fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings without an adequate excuse, the Executive Board may declare the office vacant.
Section 11 – Each officer, upon the expiration of his/her term of office, or upon resignation, shall turn over to his/her successor, without delay, all records, books, and other material pertaining to the office, and he/she shall return to the President, without delay, all funds pertaining to his/her office. This shall be transacted at the last Executive Board meeting of the current school year.
Section 12 – The President and Treasurer, with input from the Executive Board, shall prepare a budget and submit to the general membership for approval during the first meeting of the school year. Budget priorities will be established and approved by a majority vote of the members present at the September meeting.
Section 13 – Meetings of the Executive Board shall be open to the attendance of representatives and coordinators who wish to attend.
Section 1 – Any person (parent/guardian, staff and student) interested in the purpose of the PTC is considered a member.
Section 2 - All members have a right to vote.
Section 3 – There are four general categories of members:
Section 1 – A nominating committee composed of at least one Executive Board member, a teacher, and a general PTC member, will be appointed in February. The principal shall serve in an advisory capacity. The nominating committee shall present a slate of officers and standing committee chairpersons. The nominating committee shall make a published report prior to the April meeting. Nominations may also be accepted from the floor at the April general PTC meeting. Nominations will be closed at that time. The consent of each candidate must be obtained before his/her name is placed in nomination.
Section 2 – The privilege of holding office is open to all members interested in supporting the PTC.
Section 3 – Elections shall be held at the April meeting.
Section 4 – Officers shall serve for a term of (2) two years. If no one is elected, the officer can choose to stay in their current position until a new officer is elected. Officers shall assume their duties beginning July 1st. Vacancies in office shall be filled by appointment from the Executive Board. A general membership vote is not required to fill a vacant Executive Board position outside of the election period.
The appointed candidate will be presented to the general membership at the next general meeting. Rotation of officer elections will be on an odd/even year in the month of April:
Section 5 – Should an Executive board position become vacant during its term, the conclusion of the term will remain the same as outlined in Article V Section 4.
Section 6 – Any position may be co-chaired at any time throughout the year. A co-chair position may be filled by the Executive board outside of the election period.
Section 7 – Vacancies – The Executive Board for the remainder of the term shall fill any vacancy in office because of death, resignation, or inability to serve. However, should a vacancy occur in the office of the President, the Vice President should immediately assume this role. The Vice President would have the option of completing the term or the vacancy shall be filled by election at the next regular PTC meeting. Each officer, upon the expiration of his/her term of office or in the case of resignation, shall turn over to his/her successor, without delay, all records, books, and other material pertaining to the office. He/she shall return to the President, without delay, all funds pertaining to his/her office. This shall be transacted at the last board meeting of the current year.
Section 1 – President shall preside at all meetings of the PTC and of the Executive Board; shall serve as an advisor of all committees except the nominating committee, appoint the committee leads for all standing committees and serve as the standing chairman; prepare a master calendar and develop agendas for the executive board meetings, general meetings and PTC sponsored events and fundraisers; coordinate the work of the officers/committee leads in order that the objectives are promoted; ensure PTC activities are approved by the Principal and do not interfere with school activities; acts as liaison between school administration and PTC; develop agendas for meetings in consultation with Executive Board members and keep parents and staff apprised of PTC activities
Section 2 – Co-Vice Presidents shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. The Co-Vice Presidents shall hold a position on the Ways & Means committee and will work with the committee to determine fundraising projects for the school year; promote and execute all approved fundraising projects by planning and working with committee leads; work with the Secretary and Director of PR &
Social Media to ensure that all event fundraisers and activities are effectively communicated and promoted
Section 3 – Secretary shall keep an accurate record of meeting minutes for both the general PTC meetings and Executive Board meetings; organize and maintain minutes binder; provide minutes as a reference at both General PTC and Executive Board meetings; shall support the President and Executive Board officers with any necessary PTC correspondence; create yearly calendar of events and ensure calendar is posted electronically; organize, execute and track any/all survey results through Survey Monkey and ensure that results are recorded in minutes binder; ensure requests for High School volunteers are sent to appropriate contacts in a timely manner; upload minutes and financials to PTC website upon completion of each general meeting.
Section 4 – Treasurer shall receive all monies for the PTC and deposit them in the Ruhkala PTC bank account; keep an accurate record of the receipts and disbursements and present a statement of account at every PTC general meeting and at other times when requested by the Executive Board; present a proposed budget ratified by the Executive Board to the PTC general membership at the first meeting of the school year (September) for approval; hold a position on the Ways & Means committee. Should the position be co-chaired, duties shall be divided into receivables vs. payables.
Section 5 – Director of Public Relations & Social Media shall ensure that everything PTC related is effectively promoted and communicated in order to gain the most exposure by parents, teachers, staff and students via PTC website, PTC Facebook page posts, App posts and flyer distribution (when needed); create and maintain the PTC bulletin board in the front office on a monthly basis and ensure that all forms displayed on the board are current; create, update and distribute our monthly Meows letter; ensure Facebook announcements are updated on a bi-weekly basis with current info regarding PTC news, events and business sponsors/partners; hold a position on the Sponsorship committee; assist with acquiring new and current sponsorship donations; create Thank You letters for business sponsors, donors and general PTC requests.
Section 6 – Auditor shall conduct a bi-yearly audit of treasurer reports to ensure PTC books accurately reflect budget spend; coordinate with accountant and treasurers to ensure taxes are filed on a timely basis; research/field legalities within 501(c)(3) parameters and ensure compliance. Hold a position on the Ways & Means Committee.
Section 7 – Principal and teacher representative(s) shall be active members of the Executive Board, advising, assisting and coordinating.
Section 8 - Teacher Representative(s) shall attend all Executive Board and general meetings, act as the liaison between staff and the PTC, report on current grade-level activities within Ruhkala Elementary, advise the Executive Board of staff concerns, coordinate staff support for PTC-sponsored activities, report to the school/staff all PTC-related activities and efforts.
Section 9 – Coordinators and other appointed positions shall work with the VP to help achieve our PTC goals.
Section 1 – General meetings of the PTC shall be held September through May and any other time designated by the Executive Board.
Section 2 – At the general meeting in April, officers shall be elected.
Section 3 – The privilege of making motions, debating, and voting is open to all PTC members.
Section 1 – The Executive Board shall consist of the officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Public Relations & Social Media, and Auditor) of the Organization, the principal and at least one teacher representative.
Section 2 – No individual can serve in two (2) board capacities simultaneously.
Section 3 - All members of the Executive Board shall be voting members, except for the President who will only vote in the event of a tie. Board members may only vote if they are actually in attendance or by electronic media.
Section 4 - Each office has a term of two (2) years. No person shall hold the same elective office for more than four (4) consecutive years unless there is no other candidate, the current officer is willing to re-run and is elected into office once again.
Section 5 - Should an Executive Board member not be fulfilling their duties to the expectations of the
bylaws and general membership, they may be voted out of office with a majority vote of the general
Section 1 – Budget – The President and Treasurer, with input from the Executive Board, shall prepare a budget and submit it to the general membership at the first meeting of the school year (September). The budget shall indicate anticipated revenue and expenses for the year. The budget shall be used to guide the activities of the Executive Board during the year. Any deviation from the budget must be approved in advance from those in attendance of that particular meeting.
Section 2 – Obligations – The Executive Board may authorize any officer or officers to enter into contract or agreements for purchase of materials or services on behalf of the Organization.
Section 3 – Loans – No loans shall be made by the organization by anyone.
Section 4 – Bills – The Executive Board may authorize the payment of routine organizational bills within the time limits of the budget adopted by the PTC and may authorize payment of other bills. All checks for the payment of the money on behalf of the organization shall require signatures by two of the following: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Director of PR & Social Media.
Section 5 – Deposits/Disbursements – The Treasurer shall deposit all funds of the organization in such banks and other depositories as the Executive Board may select, and shall make such disbursements as authorized by the Executive Board in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership. All deposits or disbursements shall be made within a maximum of ten (10) days from the receipt of the funds and/or orders of payment. This includes transferring electronic deposits/transactions from credit card processing into the PTC bank account.
Section 6 – Financial Report – The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each regular meeting of the organization and shall prepare a final report at the close of the year.
Section 7 – The term “Bank Account” shall include any money account bearing Ruhkala PTC as the account name (i.e. Checking, Savings, and Money Market). The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Director of Public Relations & Social Media will be the only officers with the online banking password and view only access. This password must be changed annually or more frequently as needed. The only way funds can be drawn from this account is with two of the following signatures: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Director of Public Relations & Social Media. If money is to be withdrawn for a cash box, two signatures will be need to obtained, one from the Treasurer and the second from any one of the following board members: President, Vice President, Secretary and Director of Public Relations & Social Media. At no time can this account have any type of debit card that allows individual access. In the event that a check cannot be used for purchases and requires a credit card for the transaction, a reimbursement check will be provided promptly for the expenses paid by a Board member, provided that the original receipt is provided to the Executive Board. Bank statements must only be mailed to the Ruhkala Elementary address, never a home address. All monies must be stored in a secured (locked) box or in the PTC safe at Ruhkala Elementary School. All monies must be tallied on school premises by 2 Executive Board Members (Committee Chair may be present). At no time should money leave school premises except to be deposited by the Ruhkala Treasurer, or an Executive Board Member if the Treasurer cannot within the ten day time constraint. The exceptions would be an off-site fundraiser or an after hours event which must have 2 Executive Board Members to verify the funds prior to leaving the offsite event. A cash verification must be completed (clearly indicating cash totals) and signed by those who were present counting the funds and given to the Treasurer or placed in the safe the following day.
Section 1 – The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members at any general meeting following
prior notice of the proposed amendment.
The name of this organization shall be Ruhkala PTC (which stands for “Ruhkala Parent Teacher Club”, also referred to hereinafter as “PTC” or “Organization”). The purpose of this Organization shall be to support the school for the educational and social needs of the students.
January – executive board meets (as needed), general meeting
February – nominating committee appointed, executive board meets (as needed), general meeting
March – executive board meets (as needed), general meeting
April – additional nominations accepted at general meeting, then closed. Elections take place, executive
board meets (as needed), and general meeting
May – treasurer prepares and shares an updated YTD report (income/expenses) at last general meeting
of the school year
June –executive board meets (as needed)
July – online banking password changed, incoming officers assume duties and records turned over to
new officers (along side current officers as advisors), each incoming officer receives a copy of the
current bylaws; executive board meets (as needed)
August – executive board meets (as needed); treasurer and executive board prepares next school year’s
budget proposal
September – first general meeting of the school year (the Executive Board presents to the membership
a budget of anticipated revenue and expenses for the year), Treasurer prepares and submits budget for
approval of general membership, executive board meets (as needed)
October – executive board meets (as needed), general meeting
November – executive board meets (as needed), general meeting
December – executive board meets (as needed), general meeting
Section 1 – The purpose of the Ruhkala PTC is to aid the students of Ruhkala Elementary School by providing support for educational, enrichment and recreational needs and to promote open communication between the parents, teachers, students and administration. The PTC will raise funds to provide educational supplies, advanced technology in the classrooms, and activities in which funds are not available from the school district; will be developed through committees, projects and fundraisers and will be governed and qualified by the basic policies set forth in this Article.
Section 2 – The Organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian and nonpartisan. It shall not endorse a commercial enterprise nor shall members in their official capacities be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest, or for any purpose other than the regular fundraising work of the Organization.
Section 3 – The Organization shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or distribution of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office. The Organization may sponsor informational meetings pertaining to school-related issues.
Section 4 – The Organization shall not enter into membership with other organizations, but may cooperate with other organizations and agencies active in child welfare, such as conference groups or coordinating councils, provided the representative makes no commitments that bind the group he/she represents.
Section 5 – The quorum of the Executive Board (as set forth in Article III, Section 8 of the Bylaws) shall transact necessary business between scheduled meetings of PTC and such other business as may be referred to it by PTC.
Section 6 – The Executive Board may authorize the payment of routine organizational bills within the limits of the budget adopted by the PTC and may authorize the payment of other bills.
Section 7 – The Executive Board shall create standing or special Committees as are deemed necessary to promote the purpose and to carry out the work of the PTC.
Section 8 – A quorum shall consist of one more than half of existing Executive Board Officers. If more than one person shares the duties of an Office, the presence of only one of those people shall satisfy the requirement of attendance of that Office for the purpose of establishing a quorum.
Section 9 – The Executive Board shall meet at least one a month during the school year, unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board. The President may call special meetings of the Executive Board.
Section 10 – When an officer fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings without an adequate excuse, the Executive Board may declare the office vacant.
Section 11 – Each officer, upon the expiration of his/her term of office, or upon resignation, shall turn over to his/her successor, without delay, all records, books, and other material pertaining to the office, and he/she shall return to the President, without delay, all funds pertaining to his/her office. This shall be transacted at the last Executive Board meeting of the current school year.
Section 12 – The President and Treasurer, with input from the Executive Board, shall prepare a budget and submit to the general membership for approval during the first meeting of the school year. Budget priorities will be established and approved by a majority vote of the members present at the September meeting.
Section 13 – Meetings of the Executive Board shall be open to the attendance of representatives and coordinators who wish to attend.
Section 1 – Any person (parent/guardian, staff and student) interested in the purpose of the PTC is considered a member.
Section 2 - All members have a right to vote.
Section 3 – There are four general categories of members:
- Family Teams: open to any family members interested in supporting the organization.
- Staff Teams: – open to teachers and staff members of Ruhkala Elementary School and the Rocklin Unified School District.
- Student Teams: open to all students at Ruhkala Elementary interested in supporting PTC efforts.
- Community Partner Teams: Open to businesses that have sponsored PTC through financial contributions.
Section 1 – A nominating committee composed of at least one Executive Board member, a teacher, and a general PTC member, will be appointed in February. The principal shall serve in an advisory capacity. The nominating committee shall present a slate of officers and standing committee chairpersons. The nominating committee shall make a published report prior to the April meeting. Nominations may also be accepted from the floor at the April general PTC meeting. Nominations will be closed at that time. The consent of each candidate must be obtained before his/her name is placed in nomination.
Section 2 – The privilege of holding office is open to all members interested in supporting the PTC.
Section 3 – Elections shall be held at the April meeting.
Section 4 – Officers shall serve for a term of (2) two years. If no one is elected, the officer can choose to stay in their current position until a new officer is elected. Officers shall assume their duties beginning July 1st. Vacancies in office shall be filled by appointment from the Executive Board. A general membership vote is not required to fill a vacant Executive Board position outside of the election period.
The appointed candidate will be presented to the general membership at the next general meeting. Rotation of officer elections will be on an odd/even year in the month of April:
- Odd Year Elections - President, Secretary, Director of Committees and Auditor
- Even Year Elections - Vice President, Treasurer and Director of Public Relations & Media
Section 5 – Should an Executive board position become vacant during its term, the conclusion of the term will remain the same as outlined in Article V Section 4.
Section 6 – Any position may be co-chaired at any time throughout the year. A co-chair position may be filled by the Executive board outside of the election period.
Section 7 – Vacancies – The Executive Board for the remainder of the term shall fill any vacancy in office because of death, resignation, or inability to serve. However, should a vacancy occur in the office of the President, the Vice President should immediately assume this role. The Vice President would have the option of completing the term or the vacancy shall be filled by election at the next regular PTC meeting. Each officer, upon the expiration of his/her term of office or in the case of resignation, shall turn over to his/her successor, without delay, all records, books, and other material pertaining to the office. He/she shall return to the President, without delay, all funds pertaining to his/her office. This shall be transacted at the last board meeting of the current year.
Section 1 – President shall preside at all meetings of the PTC and of the Executive Board; shall serve as an advisor of all committees except the nominating committee, appoint the committee leads for all standing committees and serve as the standing chairman; prepare a master calendar and develop agendas for the executive board meetings, general meetings and PTC sponsored events and fundraisers; coordinate the work of the officers/committee leads in order that the objectives are promoted; ensure PTC activities are approved by the Principal and do not interfere with school activities; acts as liaison between school administration and PTC; develop agendas for meetings in consultation with Executive Board members and keep parents and staff apprised of PTC activities
Section 2 – Co-Vice Presidents shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. The Co-Vice Presidents shall hold a position on the Ways & Means committee and will work with the committee to determine fundraising projects for the school year; promote and execute all approved fundraising projects by planning and working with committee leads; work with the Secretary and Director of PR &
Social Media to ensure that all event fundraisers and activities are effectively communicated and promoted
Section 3 – Secretary shall keep an accurate record of meeting minutes for both the general PTC meetings and Executive Board meetings; organize and maintain minutes binder; provide minutes as a reference at both General PTC and Executive Board meetings; shall support the President and Executive Board officers with any necessary PTC correspondence; create yearly calendar of events and ensure calendar is posted electronically; organize, execute and track any/all survey results through Survey Monkey and ensure that results are recorded in minutes binder; ensure requests for High School volunteers are sent to appropriate contacts in a timely manner; upload minutes and financials to PTC website upon completion of each general meeting.
Section 4 – Treasurer shall receive all monies for the PTC and deposit them in the Ruhkala PTC bank account; keep an accurate record of the receipts and disbursements and present a statement of account at every PTC general meeting and at other times when requested by the Executive Board; present a proposed budget ratified by the Executive Board to the PTC general membership at the first meeting of the school year (September) for approval; hold a position on the Ways & Means committee. Should the position be co-chaired, duties shall be divided into receivables vs. payables.
Section 5 – Director of Public Relations & Social Media shall ensure that everything PTC related is effectively promoted and communicated in order to gain the most exposure by parents, teachers, staff and students via PTC website, PTC Facebook page posts, App posts and flyer distribution (when needed); create and maintain the PTC bulletin board in the front office on a monthly basis and ensure that all forms displayed on the board are current; create, update and distribute our monthly Meows letter; ensure Facebook announcements are updated on a bi-weekly basis with current info regarding PTC news, events and business sponsors/partners; hold a position on the Sponsorship committee; assist with acquiring new and current sponsorship donations; create Thank You letters for business sponsors, donors and general PTC requests.
Section 6 – Auditor shall conduct a bi-yearly audit of treasurer reports to ensure PTC books accurately reflect budget spend; coordinate with accountant and treasurers to ensure taxes are filed on a timely basis; research/field legalities within 501(c)(3) parameters and ensure compliance. Hold a position on the Ways & Means Committee.
Section 7 – Principal and teacher representative(s) shall be active members of the Executive Board, advising, assisting and coordinating.
Section 8 - Teacher Representative(s) shall attend all Executive Board and general meetings, act as the liaison between staff and the PTC, report on current grade-level activities within Ruhkala Elementary, advise the Executive Board of staff concerns, coordinate staff support for PTC-sponsored activities, report to the school/staff all PTC-related activities and efforts.
Section 9 – Coordinators and other appointed positions shall work with the VP to help achieve our PTC goals.
Section 1 – General meetings of the PTC shall be held September through May and any other time designated by the Executive Board.
Section 2 – At the general meeting in April, officers shall be elected.
Section 3 – The privilege of making motions, debating, and voting is open to all PTC members.
Section 1 – The Executive Board shall consist of the officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Public Relations & Social Media, and Auditor) of the Organization, the principal and at least one teacher representative.
Section 2 – No individual can serve in two (2) board capacities simultaneously.
Section 3 - All members of the Executive Board shall be voting members, except for the President who will only vote in the event of a tie. Board members may only vote if they are actually in attendance or by electronic media.
Section 4 - Each office has a term of two (2) years. No person shall hold the same elective office for more than four (4) consecutive years unless there is no other candidate, the current officer is willing to re-run and is elected into office once again.
Section 5 - Should an Executive Board member not be fulfilling their duties to the expectations of the
bylaws and general membership, they may be voted out of office with a majority vote of the general
Section 1 – Budget – The President and Treasurer, with input from the Executive Board, shall prepare a budget and submit it to the general membership at the first meeting of the school year (September). The budget shall indicate anticipated revenue and expenses for the year. The budget shall be used to guide the activities of the Executive Board during the year. Any deviation from the budget must be approved in advance from those in attendance of that particular meeting.
Section 2 – Obligations – The Executive Board may authorize any officer or officers to enter into contract or agreements for purchase of materials or services on behalf of the Organization.
Section 3 – Loans – No loans shall be made by the organization by anyone.
Section 4 – Bills – The Executive Board may authorize the payment of routine organizational bills within the time limits of the budget adopted by the PTC and may authorize payment of other bills. All checks for the payment of the money on behalf of the organization shall require signatures by two of the following: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Director of PR & Social Media.
Section 5 – Deposits/Disbursements – The Treasurer shall deposit all funds of the organization in such banks and other depositories as the Executive Board may select, and shall make such disbursements as authorized by the Executive Board in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership. All deposits or disbursements shall be made within a maximum of ten (10) days from the receipt of the funds and/or orders of payment. This includes transferring electronic deposits/transactions from credit card processing into the PTC bank account.
Section 6 – Financial Report – The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each regular meeting of the organization and shall prepare a final report at the close of the year.
Section 7 – The term “Bank Account” shall include any money account bearing Ruhkala PTC as the account name (i.e. Checking, Savings, and Money Market). The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Director of Public Relations & Social Media will be the only officers with the online banking password and view only access. This password must be changed annually or more frequently as needed. The only way funds can be drawn from this account is with two of the following signatures: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Director of Public Relations & Social Media. If money is to be withdrawn for a cash box, two signatures will be need to obtained, one from the Treasurer and the second from any one of the following board members: President, Vice President, Secretary and Director of Public Relations & Social Media. At no time can this account have any type of debit card that allows individual access. In the event that a check cannot be used for purchases and requires a credit card for the transaction, a reimbursement check will be provided promptly for the expenses paid by a Board member, provided that the original receipt is provided to the Executive Board. Bank statements must only be mailed to the Ruhkala Elementary address, never a home address. All monies must be stored in a secured (locked) box or in the PTC safe at Ruhkala Elementary School. All monies must be tallied on school premises by 2 Executive Board Members (Committee Chair may be present). At no time should money leave school premises except to be deposited by the Ruhkala Treasurer, or an Executive Board Member if the Treasurer cannot within the ten day time constraint. The exceptions would be an off-site fundraiser or an after hours event which must have 2 Executive Board Members to verify the funds prior to leaving the offsite event. A cash verification must be completed (clearly indicating cash totals) and signed by those who were present counting the funds and given to the Treasurer or placed in the safe the following day.
Section 1 – The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members at any general meeting following
prior notice of the proposed amendment.
- At the beginning of the term of office, each member of the Executive Board shall be given a copy of these Bylaws.
- A meeting of the Executive Board-elect may be called by the President to ratify the appointment of chairmen, fill vacancies of the Board-elect and make plans for the coming school year.
- All standing committee chairmen shall attend Executive Board meetings and shall carry out their respective committee responsibilities.